Unittests for pyudev are contained in the sub-directory tests. The unit tests are written using the pytest framework.
A tox.ini file is provided to run all tests with tox. tox automatically creates virtualenvs, installs the necessary modules and bindings and runs the test command.
Assuming that tox is installed, just run the following command to test pyudev against Python 2.7, Python 3.2 and PyPy:
tox -e py27,py32,pypy
You can pass arbitrary pytest arguments after two dashes --:
tox -e py27,py32,pypy -- -k device
Run the following command to get an overview over all options:
tox -e py27 -- --help
You can also create your own virtualenv to test pyudev. In this case you need to install the dependencies manually.
virtualenv setup is easy:
virtualenv pyudev
. pyudev/bin/activate.sh
The last line is important if you intend to build the native bindings for tests (see next section). Some of these depend on helper libraries installed to this directory, which can only be loaded if the library path includes the lib/ directory of the virtualenv. Otherwise you will get ImportErrors, because these libraries cannot be loaded.
The pure Python dependencies are contained in the pip requirements file tests/requirements.txt, just install them with pip:
pip install -r tests/requirements.txt
These dependencies are mandatory, the testsuite will not work without these modules.
Some tests additionally require modules from native bindings. If these are not available, the corresponding tests are skipped. A Makefile is provided to build and install all required bindings, just run:
make -C tests bindings
The bindings are automatically installed into the currently active virtualenv, or into system Python, if no virtualenv is active.
Dependencies of these bindings like Qt or glib are not build. These are assumed to be installed on your system.
Most of the tests run against the real udev device database of the system. The device database is extracted from the output of the udevadm utility. By default the tests use only a small random sample of the whole database, because a system typically has some hundred or thousand devices. The default size of this sample is ten devices, you can however choose another sample size:
py.test --device-sample-size 100
You can also run the tests with a specific device, or with all devices:
py.test --device /devices/virtual/tty/tty1
py.test --all-devices
Be sure to not include the /sys prefix in the argument of --device.
Some tests require root privileges to load and unload modules and so trigger udev events. By default these tests are skipped. You can run these tests by passing --allow-privileges to the test runner:
py.test --allow-privileges
Privileges are accquired through sudo, thus you will see password prompts during test execution. The executed commands are modprobe dummy and modprobe -r dummy.